Hello, this morning I just have a quick note to share and would like to know if you want to hang out.

Earlier this week I went for a run along a new trail.  I just moved to Cochrane, Alberta, which is beautiful and has mountain views everywhere!

This also happens to mean that there are Grizzly Bears and Cougars out there.

While I was running along this new trail that began here, my heart was full of joy at the beauty of the nature surrounding me.

Beginning of Trail

Beginning of Trail

Then the trail became a bit more secluded as you can see below.  This is when my mind began to remind me that I’m in Grizzly Bear and Cougar Land.

hello anxiety

hello anxiety

This is where my old friend anxiety decides to visit.  She says, “Ummm Char, you know that a Grizzly Bear or Cougar could have easily sauntered down the river to be chillin by this stream.  You know that it’s fall and they are hungry and this is the time of year they are getting desperate for food.  You know that if you see a cougar then it has already seen you for awhile.  You remember that video of the dude in Alberta who was running on a trail and passed two cougars – how one of the cougars came at him and he had to yell and use bear spray to get it away?  Well where’s your bear spray?!?”

Anxiety then decided to entertain me with images of me wrestling said Cougar WWF Style…. yes, I said WWF, because I am a child of the 80s and used to watch Saturday morning World Wrestling Federation…. so clearly I got this.

At this moment, which was really less than 30 seconds after my anxiety started, I reminded myself that I was still in a City, with traffic around, and the likelihood of me seeing a bear, or a kitty, were slim.

Thanks for the visit anxiety, I'm all good.

Thanks for the visit anxiety, I’m all good.

I returned me attention to my breath and the beauty I was surrounded by and enjoyed the rest of my run.

I am aware that this anxiety is very VERY mild compared to what many people experience.  But this level of anxiety is after eight years of mindfulness meditation which helps me be aware of my thoughts so I can play with my thoughts.  The anxiety will still pop up from time to time, it’s my reaction to it that has allowed me to be healthy and happy while it appears.

ALL OF THIS TO SAY…. I’m happy to announce my first free webinar called Living With Anxiety.

Living With Anxiety

Want to come hang out for an hour and learn about anxiety/panic disorder and how to begin recovery?


Click here to sign up!


I have a few more free webinars planned for the rest of 2015 including:

November 17th – Mindfulness Meditation for Stress and Anxiety
December 1st – The 4 Rs of Compassion Fatigue Recovery
December  15th  – Mindful Eating – Enjoy your food more and feel healthier this holiday season.
December 29th  – Sleep Better in 2016  – Tips for better sleep if you have stress or anxiety
Alright, that’s all for now.  Hope you have a great weekend doing things that nourish your soul and make your heart happy.  If you want to share them, come on over to the Facebook Page where I tend to share pics of my outings like my run earlier this week:)
PS… if you now feel you need to watch some old WWF – Click Here for the champion match of WrestleMania VI