The way that people deal with stress is often a result of our levels of self-worth, self-esteem and how we experience shame.

The more energy we put into healing and personal growth (trust me, we ALL have healing to do) the better able we are to manage our emotions and interact with our loved ones.

I’ve worked with therapists, coaches and mindfulness teachers over the years, for my own healing and personal growth.

The result has been a significant reduction in stress and a significant increase in peace, joy, happiness and great relationships.

It took courage and vulnerability each time I went a little deeper into my healing – but it’s been totally worth it!

My absolute favorite author on shame and personal growth is Brene Brown.

I am attaching a link to three of her videos that I think are amazing.  Her work is so validating as a human being because it shows that everyone struggles with shame and self-worth.

I cannot say enough good things about Brene and her courage to share personal stories and professional insights on what may be the most important topics to individuals health and well-being.


