As human beings we are designed for connection.  We want to belong and feel connected.  When we are born we required connection in order to survive.  As adults, we sometimes underestimate the power of connection and what it can do for stress relief.

Life gets busy.  To do lists are never ending.  We rush from one event to another with chores and errands in between.  Day by day. Week by week.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go home and visit my parents.  Yesterday was my mom’s birthday so we planned a lovely family dinner and spent the whole day together.

We are a fairly closer family and get along well (I know – I am extremely lucky!).  Every time I go home I notice that because I am spending so much of my time and energy engaged in conversation (or in a game) that I have little time for worry thoughts or for focusing on my “to do” list.

Three days ago Macleans magazine wrote an article about worry and how worry has replaced thinking.  It speaks to the dangers of our chronic worry and stress.

When we connect with people, and I mean really connect with them, we are in the present moment.  When we take the time to really hear what they are saying, and to really tell them how we are doing, we feel less alone.

Knowing that we have people who understand us and who care about us can do wonders for stress relief.  Knowing that you are fundamentally not alone can nourish your soul, particularly in a time when you can be constantly connected electronically while starved for human connection.

Your self-care challenge is to reach out and connect to someone.  Give them your full attention and try to really understand how they are doing.  Also, give yourself the gift of sharing how you are doing in one part of your life.

Build your community.  Enjoy your community.  It can be whatever you want it to be.

Leave a comment and tell me what your connection goal is.


