Good Friday Morning!
This week one of the themes that has been coming up, both personally and with my patients, has been energy. We just don’t have enough of it to get through the day.
As you may know, I’m hosing my first webinar next Tuesday on Living With Anxiety where I will teach 4 ways to treat anxiety and panic. I teach this class live on a regular basis – but this will be the first time I try to teach it to a larger audience using a webinar.
I think it’s important information to give to people and this format allows me to reach more people. Having said that, setting up the technical components has been a bit stressful. At one point my website had crashed for six hours. Don’t worry, I’ve hired technical help!
All this to say that on two occasions this week, I felt exhausted by 7:00 p.m. which is not normal for me. It’s a clear indication that I have too much going out of the well and not enough coming into the well.
The energy well is a metaphor I use with my patients. If we have too much going out, there is nothing left for us. And it’s WAY easier to keep topping up the well than it is to let it get empty and then try to refill it.
A couple of ways to keep the well full is to sprinkle lots of small self-care practices throughout your day.
For example, before I go into work I do some of the following: 20 minutes yoga/bike trainer/meditation. I make sure I begin the day with lots of water and keep drinking it regularly. If you have one cup of coffee you need to have two extra glasses of water to make up for it as coffee (which I love) dehydrates you.
I do 60 seconds of stretches/lunges/squats throughout the day (between patients) to move my body. I do 60 seconds of deep breathing throughout the day as well (sometimes with my patients lol).
Watch your sugar intake – the rush and the crash is just bad news bears. I try to eat meals that will keep my blood sugar balanced. If I have too much sugar/carbs I’ll make sure to get out and walk for 15-30 minutes after.
These things alone will keep my energy balance throughout the day so I still have energy and a good mood to do things I enjoy in the evening.
Move your body throughout the day either 10 or 20 minutes at a time for some cardio and sprinkle in some stretches.
Wake up and drink a couple of glasses of water and keep drinking it all day – add two cups for every coffee you have.
Watch your sugar/carbs intake – stay off the blood sugar rollercoaster – it will rag doll your energy.
Deep breathing – also known as proper breathing. Your body needs it!
If you want your energy well to be oozing over with energy – add even more self-care. Check out the self-care wheel I found last night, I think it’s awesome.
If you’re new to adding in self-care or have been doing it for years, come on over to my Facebook Page where we support each other and celebrate self-care!
And if you struggle with saying “no” and it’s keeping you from having enough time for self-care, check out my free resources which includes a free ebook called How To Create More Time and Energy.
Peace out,