Good Friday morning to you! 

Earlier this week I was listening to The Tim Ferriss Show (podcast) and he was talking about the importance of routine.  

Routine being important because once it’s created, it takes less amount of attention and decision making energy – which can then be saved for other, more important things throughout your day. 

I began to think about my morning routine and how easy it has become.  

Morning Yoga

It has taken me years to create a healthy morning routine.  

If you knew me Circa 2007 you’d have known me to be a jump out of bed late, rush off to work/school with a coffee and a granola bar and just hope that I had everything I needed in my bag, kind of gal. 

This often led to unhealthy snacks throughout the day, too much sugar/coffee, low energy and then no desire for yoga/walks/gym in the evening – not to mention my panic disorder lol. 

It was a vicious cycle, but I didn’t think I could change it – I felt stuck and hopeless.  Until I decided enough is enough and too much is foolish (I used to watch Young and the Restless – this was Drucilla’s saying)

My mantra became “small changes lead to significant results” and I carried this on a ‘post it’ with me for a year.  

I began to slowly add in healthy behaviours, instead of trying to change everything all at once – I’d tried that before and knew it wasn’t sustainable in the long-term.

So I began to drink more water in the morning and throughout the day.  Then I downloaded a 5 minute mindfulness meditation that I would listen to before I even got out of bed.  

Then I began to wake up a bit earlier to prepare a quick/healthy breakfast.  Every few weeks I would add a new healthy behaviour to my morning routine.    

All of this lead to me feeling more balanced, and having more energy, which improved my mood and helped me make healthier choices throughout the day.

Now, in 2015, this is my morning routine.  I have to admit, I feel a little vulnerable sharing this – some people might think I’m a weirdo, but here it is.  I embrace my weirdness!!

  • Wake up
  • Tongue Scraper
  • 8 oz glass of water
  • 30 minute mindfulness meditation (focus on breath) – but I do it with my legs up the wall.
  • 8 oz glass of water 
  • 20 minute gentle morning yoga
  • 8 oz glass of water
  • Oatmeal – 1/3 cup oats, 2/3 cups water, spoonful of Qia, 2 TBS of cashew milk, cinnamon – bring to boil and let sit for 5 minute.  Add raisins, sesame seeds (high source of calcium for those of us unable to consume dairy), tablespoon of DHA oil, 2 TBS of cashew milk.  
  • Hot water with ginger and lemon

Then I treat myself to my social media…. all before I hop in the shower.  

This is a full on 60 minute morning routine.  

But it all began, seven years ago, with simply adding more water to my mornings.

This routine sets up my day with good energy, mental focus, body movement, nutrients and a sense of gratitude.  AND I don’t even have to think about it, I just do it.  

Remember SMALL CHANGES LEAD TO SIGNIFICANT RESULTS – write it on a post it and carry it with you.  Healthy change is possible… and it might even be easier than you think.

Now it’s your turn to add one healthy thing to your morning routine – even if it’s just a glass of water!

I’ve created a group on Facebook called A Calmer, Happier, Stress-Free you.  It’s a place to post your own self-care goals and inspire/support others who are working on the same thing.  Join the group and post the one thing you plan to add to your morning routine.  

If you think this post is helpful, please share it on Pinterest/Twitter/Facebook – it would be much appreciated!

Happy Friday,
