My background, and practice, is in Mindfulness Meditation,

based on Vipassana, or insight meditation.  For me this tends to

be a sitting meditation with focus on the breath.



Some of my clients practice transcendental meditation.


I just read a research article that studied the

benefits of these two types of meditation.


The researchers wanted to know if one type produced

more mindfulness, less stress and a better quality of life.


The research showed:


It’s not the type of meditation that matters, it’s the frequency of your practice


The more often we meditate, the more positive impact on our daily

mindfulness and our quality of life.


The people in their study had an average practice of 4 days per week

for 30 minutes, which lead to lower perceived stress,

improved mindfulness during the day and an improve quality of life.


YAY for Meditation!


Alright, I’m off to do my 30 minute sitting meditation now.


Reference:  Mindfulness and Psychological Well-Being:  are they related to the type of meditation technique practiced.