In Canada we celebrate the third Monday of February as a statutory holiday. In Ontario, my holiday is called Family Day. I have decided to commit to 72 hours OFF THE GRID this long weekend as part of my stress management plan.
I’m sure by now you have heard about the negative impacts that our society is experiencing because we are connected (through some device) ALL THE TIME.
Some argue that we are having less valued connections (in person) because we are connecting electronically (text, email, twitter, Facebook).
I co-facilitate a stress management workshop at the clinic I work in and one of the things we talk about is the importance of disconnecting from technology. For me this usually means a few hours on Sunday, but this long weekend I have decided to commit to a full 72 hours of no electronics, work or social media.
My weekend is going to look something like this… meditation, yoga, reading, cooking, meditation, baking, reading, yoga, walks, meditation, writing in my journal, sauna, yoga, meditation. All sprinkled with some quality time with people I care about (no smartphones invited).
While three days may be too extreme for you, I invite you to commit to a period of time that you will go off the grid as part of your stress management plan.
And I would be really excited for you to come back and leave a comment to let me know how it went!
p.s. in the spirit of the 28 days of self-care, I will still have posts being published daily, however, I will not be back to respond to any comments, emails or social media interactions until Tuesday the 18th.